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Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Secret Of Celebrity Success By Silveral

Who u admire? Why does the world take notice of them and
not us? Do they have a common way to become a winner in their
field? If so then what is the secret formula?


Winning celebrities all have a clear vision a guiding purpose a
light at the end of their tunnel that keeps them going day after
day on their path. These celebrities get what they want because
they know exactly what they want. They can feel and sense it,
they experience it in their minds and their hearts. They can see
it in their minds eye and describe it as if it were there
already there. Conversely most of us think that we will be
laughed at, if we talk about what we want, we become afraid of
looking foolish and stupid, instead we dare not to dream! Try to
take a risk today and dream of your North Star, let it guide you
on your path.


Celebrity Winners have another big secret. They surround
themselves with winners. They find people that want them to win.
They know that if you surround yourself with a core of talent
then that talent can be focused. Top Celebrities find and
develop a team to help them, a human ship with the celebrity at
the helm. Winning celebrities acknowledge that cannot do
everything themselves so they find and complement their talents
with a good team to help move them on. They find team members
who are successful in their own fields. Such a team may consist
of , accountants, lawyers, publicist, and managers, make up
artists, writers, producers and fitness/life coaches.

Aims for Life

Just like a business has a business plan, winning celebrities
have a clear plan that they follow. They know what to do and
when to do it with uncanny timing. However, they do this because
it is in their plan. They are implementing this plan day after
day. It may not be as formulaic at a timeline or a map but their
own life plans works just as well for them. It shows the steps
they have to take on life’s journey to get them to their
destination. Such a plan may be drawn up with the team
supporting the celebrity. Each plan starts out small with baby
steps. This ensures early success. As the celebrity becomes
accustomed to their map and the steps, then more momentum is
built up. This plan is nearly always written down. You often see
these winners carrying a diary or a some sort or a flow chart
that shows them were they are on their journey in life. I am not
suggesting that you create a business plan for your life but
rather create a written strategy that keeps you on your path and
prevents you taking detours. With such a plan in place it is a
case of following the plan and taking one planed step at a time.

Priorities and Goals

With a plan in place winning celebrities often organize
themselves with hierarchical things to do. They are the type of
people that get organized and have a sense of what has to be
done first. They have a knack of knowing what is important and
what is fluff. If a higher priority is being ignored they can
drop everything a allocate their resources to priority one.
Priority two, three and four are put to one side for later
attention. If they find they are distracted with meaningless
unimportant work they will stop what they are doing and get back
to their top priority and get back to the plan and work on that
priority and nothing else. Sometimes an even higher priority
takes over e.g. your child gets sick at school, or you are
suddenly involved in some sort of emergency on the highway.
These things happen and winning celebrities deal with them
quickly and efficiently. They then get back to their highest
priority on their plan.


Winning Celebrities do not have room in their lives for denial,
fitful fancies or fiction. They often deal with life like a
child, in the moment, dealing with life as it comes day to day.
Rather than setting themselves up for a fall by deluding
themselves with impossible dreams they rely on what is do-able,
and ignore what in not. When criticized as we all are they do
not become defensible rather they absorb the input and feedback
and treat it not as an attack on them but as away to improve. At
the same time they are able to distinguish what feedback is
useful and what is trash. Winning Celebrities know what they can
do and what they cannot do because they remain truthful to
themselves. No kidding and accepting impossible challenges. They
just do their thing to the best of their ability. Their attitude
is if I know the problems, then I can plan to deal with them.


Celebrities who consistently win sometimes take what I call
missteps. Not mistakes but missteps. Just like a marathon runner
who takes a wrong turn, winning celebrities acknowledge the
error and self correct to get back on track. They do not waste
time saying that they are a failure and get all upset about the
misstep. Instead they get on with fixing the mistake, or
misstep. These winning celebrities like the marathon runner who
takes a misstep and goes the wrong way, they just let it go and
carry on, getting back on track in the right direction. One step
at a time. If they their path is blocked then like a marathathon
runner who has come up against a hole in the ground, then they
find a new path around the problem and carry on.


Winning celebrities who play to win always have a deep passion
about what they are doing. Once focused they become excited
about what they are doing. They get energized and eager to get
on with taking the steps of their chosen path. To them it is the
pursuit of the chosen goal that excites them. It does not become
a job or another day at work it becomes their very existence.
They are having fun. They can’t wait to get to work the next day
for this is who they are, this is what they are, and this is
them. They love what they do and do what they love. They have a
purpose, a passion a dream that they are living one step at a
time day by day.


Celebrities are consistent winners who are willing to take
risks. Do not misunderstand, this does not mean that they are
foolhardy and reckless. This means that they take calculated
risks. They go out of their comfort zone in order to succeed at
new challenges. They take the plunge into the unknown. They
leave behind the safe world of mundane existence and venture
forth as pioneers in their field. They are they explores of life
trying out new things. They find new ways to do what has been
done before. They realize that people become legacy bound. “It’s
they way we have always operated our business” someone might
say. A winning celebrity will answer. Can we do this any other
way? Can we do the opposite? Can we change? They go against the
crowd mentality, for that is where no one has been before.
Warren Buffet made his fortune by daring to invest his money
when others were fleeing the markets, he bought when prices were
low. He knew prices would come back someday and he was rewarded
for the risk he took. Likewise J.K. Rowling dared to write seven
books about a child wizard, not one book like others would have
done but seven books. The result was that Book publishers fought
over this unknown authoress who scribbled in a cafe. Who could
have thought that a totally unknown stranger could write a play
script for a violent film and then make and star in it himself.
Sylvester Stalone did just that when he wrote the script for
Rocky. All of these celebrities have dared to take risks others
would shy away from, they stepped out of the comfort zone and
became winners as a result.


Winning Celebrities always take action. Because these people
are not afraid of risk and because they have a do-able plan they
are certain of their path. How many of us procrastinate and talk
of what could be done. Winning celebrities get on because they
do not procrastinate, they are just working their plan and
prioritizing. Just like the Nike slogan, they “Just do it”. The
action that they take is not one off. Instead it is consistent
and relentless, day in day out. They remain focused even if
their initial actions fail to get results. This is because they
know that in society rewards are not given up lightly. The
winning celebrities mantra is if one action does the job great,
but if it takes ten actions then fair enough. How many of us
believe in the once in a lifetime action to fix all our woes.
The Beatles did not write hit song after hit song as many people
believe, instead between the band members, John Lennon, Paul
McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison they wrote and
recorded almost 365 songs. Not 20-30 top ten hits as most people
believe. The Beatles new they would be successful if they just
kept on schedule.

In fact Paul McCartney kept a daily journal; in which he would
write down what he was going to do that day. This was on top of
all the other stuff like concerts and sound recordings. The work
ethic was relentless, the rest is history.

Self Ruling

Winning celebrities know that the most important resource they
have is themselves. Winning celebrities actively manage their
physical, emotional, and mental well-being as they know how
important such things are. They keep their life in balance, not
becoming workaholics. They keep themselves from burnout as much
as they can. The ones who do not are the ones who fall by the
wayside and become another has been. Although I’ve said they all
have an important passion that drives them on they also know how
to keep this life passion in check. Winning celebrities will not
languish in a job that is dead end, or stay in a sick and
draining relationship. They take care of number one first,
because it is they who are the one who gets the results they
desire. They only get such results if they are complete in
health both mentally and physically, not high on drugs or
alcohol because they worked themselves into the ground. How many
sixty year olds can run around a stage like Mick Jagger if they
are not fit?


All of these qualities sound too much to some then tough. If
you are one of those people who just gives up then I’m sorry you
just will not amount to much in life. You are driftwood a loss
going with the flow. If this sounds uncomfortable then that is
great because you have just taken the first step and
acknowledged your anger and realized you can be better. The
great thing is that we all can have these winning strategies if
we take the time to understand hoe to apply them to our own
life. We to can become winners within our own field of
expertise. Celebrities are just like you and me they do not have
a monopoly on life skills nor do you. The very same skills can
be found all around us. Try looking at school teachers, doctors,
community workers and the countless others that do their thing.
Following their chosen paths. One day they to will be great!
Maybe you already do some of the things outlined above, then

About the Author: Silveral Celebrity Observer.
http://celebrity-news.biz/?page_id=80do yo

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