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Saturday, July 3, 2010

How to Stop Worrying and Moving On? Author: Irsan Kao

We often worry about the things that we don't need to worry
about. And most of the time, these things never really happen so
our time is only wasted. That's why we should never spend our
time worrying especially when it isn't really necessary.
Worrying only causes us to expend our thoughts and energy on
something unnecessary instead of focusing it to something more
productive. Worrying only leaves us tired and exhausted for no
reason because we focus our attention on the wrong things. The
time we spend worrying is simply a wasted effort for nothing and
we should as much as possible, avoid it.

If we worry, we tend to focus way too much on the problem and
not in finding the proper solution to solve the problem. This
will also lead to negative thoughts and reactions because all we
can think about is the problem. Instead of being able to find
out a way to work it out of the problem, our minds shut down
because of too much worry that we have in it. Worrying will only
cause out minds to not function properly.

When we worry too much, we tend to view life with fear. This
will affect our emotions and how we handle things. The way we
view things will become unhealthy and we become very negative
when it comes to our attitude. When our emotions are not good,
this could also affect out physical well being thus we become
more prone to sickness and diseases. Our unhealthy emotions will
also bring us too much fatigue that our body will not be able to
handle. We should therefore be proactive to avoid time worrying.
If we take the right precautions, we can avoid the feelings of
helplessness that something bad is about to happen.

When we worry too much, there is a tendency for us to become
very self absorbed to the point of neglecting the people who are
most important to us. This can be very detrimental to the
relationships that we have with the people around us and can
create very big problems. This is why we should always resist
the temptation to worry and focus our attention instead on the
positive aspects of the relationships we have.

To get over your worries, adopt a planned approach. Meaning,
make an effective plan to handle every situation that may come
your way. We may often be ready to face any given situation but
we still need to remain positive about it. When we do not have a
plan on how we approach things, we are most likely drawn into
worrying too much about it. You need to have a plan on how you
are going to face any situation that is thrown your way. Another
important thing that you should never forget is to create a plan
B. It's always safe to create an alternative plan just in case
the original plan you have doesn't work. Most of the time,
people don't make any plan B so when their primary plan doesn't
work, they are left to worry more. That is why it's always
better to have alternatives with you for emergency purposes.
Source: http://www.isnare.com

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