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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Business World's Best Kept Secret By Rena Williams

What is the business world’s best kept secret? I’ll tell you
this, it's been called by many names but no matter what you
label it, one thing is certain, “business is booming”.

So, what is this mysterious business called by name? Some call
it network marketing, other choose to say direct selling. Some
even call it referral or multilevel marketing. I call it network
network marketing.

Check this out. Network marketing or direct selling has grown
more than a whopping 91 percent in the past 10 years. This
industry is making annual sales of billions of dollars in the
U.S., and even more worldwide. It's been estimated that about
175,000 people in the U.S. along sign-up with a a network
marketing company every week. Now that’s an incredible amount
of people!

As incredible as that may sound and despite the high growth
yet, less one percent of the world’s population is currently
involved in this wonderful industry. Unreal isn’t it? Only one
percent of the world is tapped into this limitless

Well, a large number of respected companies and several
business individuals are now starting to take notice that the
days of W-2 are over and is now becoming a 1099 world. You
guessed it! Some of the riches men in the world has launched
into the field of direct selling or network marketing.

Now the question becomes, why is it that not more than a
percent has jumped on board? After all well respected business
owners and companies have taken a closer look at network
marketing. Why haven’t you?

The answer is network marketing still remains a misconception
for many people. It is still looked upon as a “pyramid
scheme”or their belief is that “only a select few actually make
the money”. I’ve even heard the statement “you just end up with
a bunch of products you can’t sell”. Such misunderstanding of
how the business works oftentimes lead them to this negative
thinking about the industry. I know, I’ve been there myself.

The truth is this business model has been around for 50 years
and is really quite simple to master. After all this is
something we all have done since about the age of five. We
recommend, refer and share information by word of mouth about
what we know and like. The only difference is with direct sells
or network marketing you get paid. How simple is that? There is
no real start up time, you don’t have to create a product or
business plan. Simply have a desire to simply share about what
you know and like.

It gets even better, you don’t have to trade your time for
money because in this field there’s the power of residual
income. The residual income is what creates financial freedom.
It is money that keeps coming to you long after you’ve completed
the work that created the money. Working for a salary doesn’t
create residual money.

The fact is anyone can have their own business with direct
selling or network marketing and become very successful.
Residual is possible regardless of age, background, skills, or
education. Anyone can achieve it. The truth is some of the
world’s most successful people have only a high school diploma
or less in education.

People are looking for proven ways to prosper through a
lifestyle that is good for all concerned. If you want to make a
difference in you life as well as the lives of others, then
networking is for you. A successful business knows the only way
to succeed is by helping others to succeed. That’s what this
industry is all about. You can’t put a price on the sense of
satisfaction that comes from helping another. “Priceless” When
will you jump on board with the world’s best kept secret?

About the Author: Rena Williams is a Lifestyle mentor and
successful entrepreneur residing in Florida. She delights in
assisting others to reaching their desired levels of success
through free mentoring and other free resources.

The Secret Of Celebrity Success By Silveral

Who u admire? Why does the world take notice of them and
not us? Do they have a common way to become a winner in their
field? If so then what is the secret formula?


Winning celebrities all have a clear vision a guiding purpose a
light at the end of their tunnel that keeps them going day after
day on their path. These celebrities get what they want because
they know exactly what they want. They can feel and sense it,
they experience it in their minds and their hearts. They can see
it in their minds eye and describe it as if it were there
already there. Conversely most of us think that we will be
laughed at, if we talk about what we want, we become afraid of
looking foolish and stupid, instead we dare not to dream! Try to
take a risk today and dream of your North Star, let it guide you
on your path.


Celebrity Winners have another big secret. They surround
themselves with winners. They find people that want them to win.
They know that if you surround yourself with a core of talent
then that talent can be focused. Top Celebrities find and
develop a team to help them, a human ship with the celebrity at
the helm. Winning celebrities acknowledge that cannot do
everything themselves so they find and complement their talents
with a good team to help move them on. They find team members
who are successful in their own fields. Such a team may consist
of , accountants, lawyers, publicist, and managers, make up
artists, writers, producers and fitness/life coaches.

Aims for Life

Just like a business has a business plan, winning celebrities
have a clear plan that they follow. They know what to do and
when to do it with uncanny timing. However, they do this because
it is in their plan. They are implementing this plan day after
day. It may not be as formulaic at a timeline or a map but their
own life plans works just as well for them. It shows the steps
they have to take on life’s journey to get them to their
destination. Such a plan may be drawn up with the team
supporting the celebrity. Each plan starts out small with baby
steps. This ensures early success. As the celebrity becomes
accustomed to their map and the steps, then more momentum is
built up. This plan is nearly always written down. You often see
these winners carrying a diary or a some sort or a flow chart
that shows them were they are on their journey in life. I am not
suggesting that you create a business plan for your life but
rather create a written strategy that keeps you on your path and
prevents you taking detours. With such a plan in place it is a
case of following the plan and taking one planed step at a time.

Priorities and Goals

With a plan in place winning celebrities often organize
themselves with hierarchical things to do. They are the type of
people that get organized and have a sense of what has to be
done first. They have a knack of knowing what is important and
what is fluff. If a higher priority is being ignored they can
drop everything a allocate their resources to priority one.
Priority two, three and four are put to one side for later
attention. If they find they are distracted with meaningless
unimportant work they will stop what they are doing and get back
to their top priority and get back to the plan and work on that
priority and nothing else. Sometimes an even higher priority
takes over e.g. your child gets sick at school, or you are
suddenly involved in some sort of emergency on the highway.
These things happen and winning celebrities deal with them
quickly and efficiently. They then get back to their highest
priority on their plan.


Winning Celebrities do not have room in their lives for denial,
fitful fancies or fiction. They often deal with life like a
child, in the moment, dealing with life as it comes day to day.
Rather than setting themselves up for a fall by deluding
themselves with impossible dreams they rely on what is do-able,
and ignore what in not. When criticized as we all are they do
not become defensible rather they absorb the input and feedback
and treat it not as an attack on them but as away to improve. At
the same time they are able to distinguish what feedback is
useful and what is trash. Winning Celebrities know what they can
do and what they cannot do because they remain truthful to
themselves. No kidding and accepting impossible challenges. They
just do their thing to the best of their ability. Their attitude
is if I know the problems, then I can plan to deal with them.


Celebrities who consistently win sometimes take what I call
missteps. Not mistakes but missteps. Just like a marathon runner
who takes a wrong turn, winning celebrities acknowledge the
error and self correct to get back on track. They do not waste
time saying that they are a failure and get all upset about the
misstep. Instead they get on with fixing the mistake, or
misstep. These winning celebrities like the marathon runner who
takes a misstep and goes the wrong way, they just let it go and
carry on, getting back on track in the right direction. One step
at a time. If they their path is blocked then like a marathathon
runner who has come up against a hole in the ground, then they
find a new path around the problem and carry on.


Winning celebrities who play to win always have a deep passion
about what they are doing. Once focused they become excited
about what they are doing. They get energized and eager to get
on with taking the steps of their chosen path. To them it is the
pursuit of the chosen goal that excites them. It does not become
a job or another day at work it becomes their very existence.
They are having fun. They can’t wait to get to work the next day
for this is who they are, this is what they are, and this is
them. They love what they do and do what they love. They have a
purpose, a passion a dream that they are living one step at a
time day by day.


Celebrities are consistent winners who are willing to take
risks. Do not misunderstand, this does not mean that they are
foolhardy and reckless. This means that they take calculated
risks. They go out of their comfort zone in order to succeed at
new challenges. They take the plunge into the unknown. They
leave behind the safe world of mundane existence and venture
forth as pioneers in their field. They are they explores of life
trying out new things. They find new ways to do what has been
done before. They realize that people become legacy bound. “It’s
they way we have always operated our business” someone might
say. A winning celebrity will answer. Can we do this any other
way? Can we do the opposite? Can we change? They go against the
crowd mentality, for that is where no one has been before.
Warren Buffet made his fortune by daring to invest his money
when others were fleeing the markets, he bought when prices were
low. He knew prices would come back someday and he was rewarded
for the risk he took. Likewise J.K. Rowling dared to write seven
books about a child wizard, not one book like others would have
done but seven books. The result was that Book publishers fought
over this unknown authoress who scribbled in a cafe. Who could
have thought that a totally unknown stranger could write a play
script for a violent film and then make and star in it himself.
Sylvester Stalone did just that when he wrote the script for
Rocky. All of these celebrities have dared to take risks others
would shy away from, they stepped out of the comfort zone and
became winners as a result.


Winning Celebrities always take action. Because these people
are not afraid of risk and because they have a do-able plan they
are certain of their path. How many of us procrastinate and talk
of what could be done. Winning celebrities get on because they
do not procrastinate, they are just working their plan and
prioritizing. Just like the Nike slogan, they “Just do it”. The
action that they take is not one off. Instead it is consistent
and relentless, day in day out. They remain focused even if
their initial actions fail to get results. This is because they
know that in society rewards are not given up lightly. The
winning celebrities mantra is if one action does the job great,
but if it takes ten actions then fair enough. How many of us
believe in the once in a lifetime action to fix all our woes.
The Beatles did not write hit song after hit song as many people
believe, instead between the band members, John Lennon, Paul
McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison they wrote and
recorded almost 365 songs. Not 20-30 top ten hits as most people
believe. The Beatles new they would be successful if they just
kept on schedule.

In fact Paul McCartney kept a daily journal; in which he would
write down what he was going to do that day. This was on top of
all the other stuff like concerts and sound recordings. The work
ethic was relentless, the rest is history.

Self Ruling

Winning celebrities know that the most important resource they
have is themselves. Winning celebrities actively manage their
physical, emotional, and mental well-being as they know how
important such things are. They keep their life in balance, not
becoming workaholics. They keep themselves from burnout as much
as they can. The ones who do not are the ones who fall by the
wayside and become another has been. Although I’ve said they all
have an important passion that drives them on they also know how
to keep this life passion in check. Winning celebrities will not
languish in a job that is dead end, or stay in a sick and
draining relationship. They take care of number one first,
because it is they who are the one who gets the results they
desire. They only get such results if they are complete in
health both mentally and physically, not high on drugs or
alcohol because they worked themselves into the ground. How many
sixty year olds can run around a stage like Mick Jagger if they
are not fit?


All of these qualities sound too much to some then tough. If
you are one of those people who just gives up then I’m sorry you
just will not amount to much in life. You are driftwood a loss
going with the flow. If this sounds uncomfortable then that is
great because you have just taken the first step and
acknowledged your anger and realized you can be better. The
great thing is that we all can have these winning strategies if
we take the time to understand hoe to apply them to our own
life. We to can become winners within our own field of
expertise. Celebrities are just like you and me they do not have
a monopoly on life skills nor do you. The very same skills can
be found all around us. Try looking at school teachers, doctors,
community workers and the countless others that do their thing.
Following their chosen paths. One day they to will be great!
Maybe you already do some of the things outlined above, then

About the Author: Silveral Celebrity Observer.
http://celebrity-news.biz/?page_id=80do yo

Friday, July 30, 2010

MLM Success Tip: How to Increase Your MLM Blog Exposure With Technorati By Michel Laliberte

You do have an MLM blog don't you?

Blogging, just like a website, gives you a worldwide reach.
What's more, creating and maintaining a blog is far easier,
quicker and cheaper compared with managing a website.

If you are building an Network Marketing business online, or
any online business for that matter, you absolutely and
positively ought to have your own blog. Even if you are just
launching your online Network Marketing ventures, you should
understand how to setup your own blog as soon as you can. You
can find a great deal of free websites with information about
blogging. The last thing you want to do is pay for that kind of
information as it is available for free and with a tad of
investigation you ought to be able to find all the information
you want on the subject.

Network Marketing victory is achieved by leaders and all the
Network Marketing leaders have their own MLM blogs. That's
because a blog establishes you as an expert in your field, an
authority if you wish.

Your Network Marketing blog is your central hub and all your
online marketing should direct back to it and once your blog
starts getting traffic, your next job is to convert that traffic
into whatever action you want your visitors to take.

As soon as your Network Marketing blog is in place, one of the
first things you ought to do is register it with Technorati.
Technorati is an internet search engine for blogs and has
millions of blogs indexed in their database. You want them to
index your Network Marketing blog as that will boost your blog's

Here are the steps to follow to put your MLM blog on the
technorati site:

First, open an account with Technorati, if you haven't
registered with them in the past. The registration with
Technorati is completely free of charge..

This step is very simple, just proceed to their site and click
the "Join" link at the top right of the page. Fill out the form
with your information and click the join button. They will then
send you an email with a link you need to click to confirm your
account. This completes your registration with Technorati.

The next step is to edit your settings, your bio, and uploading
your picture. Don't skip this step like most people. It is
important that you let the world know who you are. You're
building an MLM business remember?

Finally, there's an option that will let you "claim your blog"
to verify that it is really yours. This step is a bit more
involved as you have to get a code from technorati and then
include that code into a post on your blog so they can send
their spiders and confirm that the code is in fact present
someplace on your MLM blog.

There you have it. You Network Marketing blog is now known by
the biggest blog search engine on the internet.

About the Author: To learn more about increasing your MLM Blog
popularity visit http://michellaliberte.com

Business Start Up Loan – Script Your Own Success Story With The Right Finance Method By Michael Brian

If you thought generating ideas for your business was a
difficult task, then arranging necessary finance in the form of
business start up loans would seem even more difficult. Many
entrepreneurs succumb at this stage, only to lead their idea to
dumps. Entrepreneurs, who withstand the challenges of the
process, continue to shine in the world of business.

Capital has been rightly referred to as the lifeblood of any
business. Business starved of capital during the initial stages
of its formation, would be similar to malnourished children who
were not fed properly during their childhood. The growth of the
business will be stunted, often affecting negatively its
productivity and efficiency.

Entrepreneurs no longer have to depend solely on their own
resources for purposes of capital. Many loan providers are ready
to finance promising business ventures. The loan is referred to
as business start up loan. Amounts on business start up loan
ranges from £30,000 to £250,000. Entrepreneurs can qualify for
more loan amount, provided the business plan is very attractive.
Loan proceeds will primarily be used for purchasing the
necessary machine and equipments, paying for legal
documentation, maintaining office and any other expenses that
crop up during the initial formative period. Moreover, business
start up loan contributes towards the working capital.

Borrowing through business start up loan is fraught with a
number of challenges. The very first task in the process will be
to generate faith in loan providers that the amount lent on
account of business start up loan will be safely returned.
Preconceived notions about new entrepreneurs make the task
difficult. The negative notions are further strengthened through
two factors:

•Firstly, borrowing entrepreneur has zero or very less
credibility in the market at the particular point of time. Loan
providers fear risking the loan amount on borrowers with low

•Secondly, the borrowing entrepreneur is still to form business
or the business is still to show results. Lending at this stage,
without having knowledge about how the business fares in the
long run, is perilous for the loan provider.

The borrowing entrepreneur is thrown into a dilemmatic
situation wherein they cannot prove their worth till they start
business. They cannot start business until they get the
necessary finance. And they cannot get the necessary finance
till they are able to prove their worth.

However, not all loan providers look at new venturists with
suspicion. New venturists are considered a unique group of
people who have a unique set of characteristics. A sound and
foolproof business plan works well for new entrepreneurs.
Bankers study the plan well and then decide if it will be viable
to lend.

Guaranteeing payback through collateral is another important
method of getting good deals in business start up loans. These
are referred to as secured business start up loans. As a part of
this method, the borrower will have to offer lien on certain
asset/assets to the loan provider. This process is also referred
to as hypothecation. Though the asset will continue to be in
possession of the borrower, loan provider has every right to
claim the asset in case of non-payment of loan.

Loan terms for business start up loan ranges from 5 to 25
years. Given the unique income structure of businesses and
self-employed individuals, wherein income is not guaranteed,
flexible repayment schedule will be especially helpful. Under a
flexible repayment schedule, the borrower gets to repay in the
manner that he chooses. Monthly repayments can be increased,
reduced and discontinued altogether depending on the
entrepreneurs finances. The arrangement will have to be accepted
by the loan provider. Sometimes, regular payments for a certain
period may be the prerequisite for flexible repayment schedule.

Business start up loans may exceed personal loans in terms of
interest rate. The typical APR on a business start up loan will
be anywhere between 7-13%. Online comparison and searching loan
providers will ease the process, besides improving the quality
of deals. Rates may go upwards depending on the presence and
value of collateral and the credit status of the borrower.

Business loans will not suit borrowers who want full control
over their business. Some loan providers would like to dictate
terms and thus curb the control of the entrepreneur over his
business. The borrowing decision must be made only after an
impartial and impatient study of the pros and cons of the

About the Author: Michael T. Brian is the author of this
article. He is Masters in Business Administration and expert in
finance. He writes about various finance related topics. If you
are interested in Michael's financial advice, you can visit

MLM Success- The Fast Start Formula For Network Marketing Success By Doug Firebaugh

Network Marketing Training- The F.A.S.T. START MLM Success
Formula The FAST Start Training for the new MLM distributor


That is how most people want to go in this business, and
rightly so.

But you have to have a system or process to get there. That is
what this training is about--a quick way to get off to a fast
start and make something happen.

There are 4 key components to a good F.A.S.T. Start Training,
and they are:

1) First things first.

You must be trained on the first parts of the education process
in this business, and those are the important points on:

A) The Company facts and details on the history and management
B) The Products and the benefits of each product plus piece
C) The Compensation Plan and how it works and how you make
D) Your Upline and who they are
E) Developing your product story and your business success
F) The Paperwork and how it is done
G) The Tools that you will use to build your business

2) Action steps you will take.

What will you do once you have gone through the “First things
first” part?

A) You will learn how to do your Memory Jogger
B) You will learn how to approach and contact them
C) You will learn how to Neutralize Objections
D) You will learn how to do a Presentation
E) You will learn how to Follow up and ask for the decision
F) You will learn how to retail the products

3) Start the process Step By Step.

Once you have been trained on the basics of the Action steps,
you start the actual process of Network Marketing:

A) Prospect for the initial contacts
B) Contact them
C) Deliver the Message
D) Follow up with agreed plan
E) Ask for the Decision

Prospect for the initial contacts.

This is where you choose who on your Memory Jogger will be

Contact them.

This is where either you or you and your upline contact the

Deliver the message.

This is where you either set up an appointment to go see them,
get them on a conference call, or get them to try the product,
or whatever else you set as the message…

Follow up with agreed plan.

This is where you simply follow up and keep in touch with the

Ask for the Decision.

This is where you get a decision of what they are planning on
doing as far as product, business, or referrals.

This 5 step by step system is a VERY Basic and easy path to
follow for the new distributor. It gives them 2 things

1) Initial Education on the basic information on WHAT
2) A Step By Step on HOW

These combined with a strong dose of MOTIVATION and LEADERSHIP
will make for a HOT FAST Start training for you and your folks.

4) Then see what Path you will go with them.

Where do you go from here? Product sale? Recruiting? More Info?
Referrals? Bring to a meeting? Decide what needs to be done.

Then Do it.

A FAST Start training needs to be 3 things:

1) Easy to train on

Don’t complicate it…make it easy and fun, and make it easy to

2) Easy to Learn

Yes, easy to learn, as if it is not, then you will only end up
de-motivating and confusing many of your prospects.

3) Easy to Duplicate

THIS IS A MUST! If you do it right, and make it easy to
duplicate, you will find that the training will become more and
more being taught doen in your group and by your budding

Get your folks off to a FAST Start with this F.A.S.T. Start
training. It will create some excitement and also lots of

PassionFire also has a SCORCHING FAST Start Training Manual- A
HOT Start- The First 14 Days! Check it out at our online store
for Success in MLM and Network Marketing.

blessings...doug Firebaugh

(c) 2005 all rights reserved
PassionFire International

About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network
Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month
read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the
world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham
Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his
training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Little Tricks To Making Money With Your Home Computer Business Idea By K. Faram

There are a few little tricks to making money with any work at
home computer-based business, but the number one so-called
secret is in how you actually market your web site. The first
crucial thing you need to do is to advertise your site so that
people know that you even exist. How you advertise, however, is
one of the tricks.

If you are running a computer-based business you have already
determined that your potential customers are also online.
Regardless of the quality of your product or service, if people
do not know you are present on the internet, you will eventually
become just another casualty of the online community.

Affiliate marketing programs offer one of the best methods of
advertising for fledgling computer based businesses where the
cost of your advertising is deferred until a customer buys
something from you. Through affiliate marketing you provide
promotional tools such as graphics and text embedded with links
for other website owners to post on their site. When one of
their visitors sees your advertisement, clicks on the link and
buys something from you, that website owner is paid a sales

The more external websites that carry a link to your site, the
more essentially free advertising you will receive for your
affiliate marketing program. You can also carry affiliate
advertising on your site for related internet businesses and
earn a commission on sales from their sites. Some affiliate
marketing companies give you the option of automatically
approving others to post links to your site on theirs while
others give you the option of approving a site before your link
is posted. Just as you can be particular about which companies
you link to, you can also be particular about which sites link
to you.

There are also numerous opportunities to network with companies
as an affiliate and if you are signed up as a member of their
site, your income potential can increase dramatically. For
example an online retail site may pay you a five percent
commission on sales if you are a free member, but the first
level of paid membership has that commission jump to 10 percent.
Some companies may offer premium memberships and the commission
will go as high as 30 percent or more, or there will the
opportunity to earn on several referral levels.

There are also services which will pay you for taking surveys
online, and while the per survey earnings may not be high, they
generally take little time and you get to give an honest opinion
on a variety of topics. Surveys typically pay between $2 and $10
each and take from five to 20 minutes to complete. Making money
on the internet filling out surveys will of course depend on how
much actual spare time you are willing to put into it. But this
extra money could then be used on advertising your home

However, having a decent, updated computer and a fast internet
connection will be necessary, regardless of any programs you may
join, if you plan on making money on the internet and taking
your computer based home business seriously.

About the Author: Kerenza Faram is the author of several
informative articles on internet marketing. For more information
on Home Computer Business Ideas, visit

Earn Easy Money in Easy Ways By C. Lawrence

When it comes to money talks there is no denying that we all
need it to survive. I can't think of any place on earth that
does not require money for their daily survival. Furthermore,
because we need it, we desire to have it; our desire for money
grows more and more as time progresses. As easily as the time
flies everything changes in a fast pace. The hundred dollars you
are holding at this moment might lose its value at a seemingly
snap of time.

With this in mind, people want to earn money in an easy way so
that they could provide for the mounting needs that pile up each
day. The only consolation is that they do not need to worry
about the word "how", since technology has made it possible to
do things at a snap.

People who want to earn easy money turn their hopes to the
internet. They do make easy money online and they value internet
like a sort of a lifeline. What exactly are the easy steps to
make easy money online? Even the answer to this question is not
a matter to be thought deeply about. The answer is as simple as
the process itself.

If you are into business, you can actually do selling online.
Through the online stores available in the net, you can promote
your product to millions of customers worldwide. You can also
opt to publish your own website to work on your goals. But make
sure you researched the do's and don'ts of this undertaking
before making a jumpstart.

If you have no inclination for selling and promoting products,
and you have no idea how to start making easy money online, you
can search the net for companies who pay individuals for surveys
they fill out. The only thing you do is to answer their surveys
and you get as much as a $100 per month or more, depending on
the offer of the company. You can even earn as much as you want,
as long as you want.

If you are into writing, you can actually write for companies.
There are website publishers who would crave for you to share
your thoughts and ideas about different subjects. It surely is a
great and easy way to make easy money online given the fact that
you even enjoy the job.

The only thing you have to be cautious about scams and spasm
and viruses on your folders. It is a great way to make easy
money online since it does not require too much of your effort
and time, but if you stumble over offers laden with these and
you fall into the trap, your efforts will be futile. It is
important to find a proven system to make easy money online.
Make sure your efforts will pay off. Do not rush into accepting
the job. Study the offer and when you have proven that they pay
every cent they promise to pay, then kick the start and make
easy money online.

About the Author: Ready to learn a REAL WAY to earn $128 per
day online learning to make fast money? Get your FREE REPORT on
sub-niche marketing and see how it can change your life at
http://www.InstantWealthMachine.com EQMDX47DFKD3

The Ultimate Money Secret of the 40-Something Woman By Jo Larsen

Discover how this first step can make you debt free!

Wealth-building? At my age? I’d be happy just to get out of

Unfortunately, that’s the mind set of many women 40 years of
age or older. As a group, we women are so focused in our younger
years raising a family that we have difficulty visualizing the
idea that someday, we actually may have enough time to travel or
do the things WE really want to do. Then one day we wake up and
we are over 40 and maybe not financially where we had wanted to

And as the possibility of retiring gets closer with every year,
we kick ourselves for not being more money-savvy in our younger
years. But, it’s not too late to get out of debt and start
saving . . . for that perfect vacation . . . the trip cross
country just to unwind . . . that piece of artwork we have been
admiring……even for a well-deserved eventual retirement!

Yeah! Right! You respond. Have you looked at my checkbook
lately? Enjoyment does seem to be part of my vocabulary for a

Start by following this simple tip. This hint isn’t meant to be
your entire education on handling money. But according to many
money experts, it’s one of the very most important. Therefore,
it deserves special consideration.

So what is it? Living on 80 percent of your paycheck. This may
be tough at first glance. But let me explain what you’ll do with
that other 20 percent . . . . when you go to put this into
practice, you’ll discover it’s really effortless.

The first 10 percent of your paycheck you’re going to give
away. Wow! That loud roar of protest nearly broke my eardrum.
Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

Indeed, the reasoning for this isn’t purely financial either.
First, just the act of giving a tenth of your income away is a
sign of gratitude. Pick a charity, a special project, or an
organization. It doesn’t really matter as long as the money goes
to a worthy cause – and you’re the judge of that!

Take that other 10 percent that you’re not living on and stash
it away in a savings account of some type. Just don’t touch it.
No matter how many days until payday it might be.

Do this every payday. For those of you, like myself, who are
self employed, do this with every payment you receive from

Psychologically speaking, the acts of giving and saving are
wonderfully calming for the souls. Knowing that by giving away
even a small amount of money to someone who could really use it
is great feeling. And then knowing that should a real emergency
occur that you have some money stashed away gives you peace of

Before you dismiss this as total nonsense, think of how close
that next vacation sounds. Now look at your checkbook balance.
It’s definitely worth a try.

I’ll see you at the shore next year about this time!

About the Author: If you want great information about being
Financially Fit at 40 visit us today at http://www.i40club.com.
i40Club is the number one online community of women who are 40
and fabulous.

The One Big 'Secret' You Must Know To Make Money Online! By Margaret Albright

So you want a profitable website. You do a search on Google and
find 56,293,580 websites that will tell you how to go about
creating your business. Everyone promises the moon. You start
clicking on links and what do you find?

Everyone wants to sell you something!

Their special ebook that will tell you all the answers. Or, if
you buy their software, you will be making money tomorrow. Join
their membership website for X amount of dollars per month and
you will have all the information you need. RIGHT!

I know how you feel, I searched and searched for that one
person or program that would actually help me and not take all
my money in the process. I tried to go it alone and built many
websites. All of them were failures. So I searched again for the
help I needed. I never found the website I was looking for. But
I did figure out how to do it.

What did I do?

First I started examining all the websites that were on
Google's first search results page. I studied and disected these
websites. I tried to look for those few things that all these
websites had in common.

Then, I downloaded every free ebook I could get my hands on.
The writers of these ebooks were trying to sell me the next big
trick but each one had some good, helpful information.

Next I joined 27 newsletters and ezines and spend months
reading. Most of these newsletters tried to sell me things too,
but they couldn't just send out ads, everyone would quit their
newsletter. So in order for these ezine owners to keep their
readers, they had to give some valuable free information. I took
notes and read some more.

I eventually had an entire notebook full of information. That
was when I thought I would try out all this new information so I
built a website. I used all the tricks I had learned and in
about a month, I made $590.45. Yes, it's true, you can build a
profitable website without spending all your savings.

I realize $590.45 doesn't make me a millionaire but it's a good
start. I have since built three more websites, all of them
bringing in more and more money each month. $590.45 was just a
drop in the bucket but you have to start somewhere.

Was it hard? No, not really. I do have to warn you though. It
does take work. You don't rent some web space and fill it full
of links and make money. It takes time and effort.

If you are still reading this article, there is a good chance
that you are one of the few who will succeed. Most people would
have stopped reading when I mentioned I was taking notes.

There is one big secret to building a money making website. It
really isn't even a secret, it's just the answer you must have
or you will never get anywhere. You have to write content. No
one will visit your website if you don't have any information
for them to read.

Most web surfers don't research topics on the internet looking
for things to buy. The purchase, is a by product of a good
recommendation from a trusted webmaster. You will have to create
your information web site and offer compelling content. Once the
visitor believes you actually know what you are talking about,
they will probably decide to use your recommendation and make a
purchase from your links.

If you can read and write, you can have a profitable website.
If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme, you are on the
wrong side of the table. The only people who get rich from those
schemes are the ones selling them. By the way, what did they do
to get you to look at their product? That's right! Even scammers
have to write content.

If you are willing to do the time and put in some effort, you
can make money. That's the only way to make money online. Don't
let anyone tell you different, all they want is your money.

About the Author: Margaret Albright is the owner of the website
Know It All - Affiliates.
(http://www.knowitall-affiliates.com/make-money-online.htm). A
free, step by step program telling you all you need to know to
build a profitable online business. Copyright 2005 -
KnowItAll-Affiliates.com - All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Regain Your Lost Love Fast and Easy - Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Now By H.L. Archer

It is easy to see why so many mistakes are made following a
breakup. The fear that you have lost the love of your life and
you will never feel his arms around you again is enough to make
any woman act without thinking. But you do not need to give up
hope. No matter what mistakes have been made, you can still
regain your lost love fast and easy. By getting your emotions in
check and beginning to think with your head instead of your
heart, you can get your ex boyfriend back now.

One thing you must guard against is being pulled in several
directions at the same time. You will find no limit to the
advice you will be given by well meaning friends and relatives.
One will tell you they would do this and another will tell you
something very different. This will only add to your confusion
and cause you to make more mistakes. You do not want to hurt
their feelings by rejecting their advice, but you are the one
that will suffer if you do the wrong thing. The best thing you
can do is thank them and think for yourself. You know your ex
boyfriend, and you probably have a pretty good idea as to what
made him dissatisfied enough with your relationship to break it

To get your ex boyfriend back, you will need to make him see
how important you are to his happiness. To do this, you will
have to cause him to miss being with you. Nothing can make a
person feel sorry for their actions as much as time and space.
Your ex may have acted on impulse and when he has time to settle
down and reflect upon what he has thrown away, he will be as
eager to regain your love as you are to regain your lost love.
If you insist on contacting him every day and night telling him
how much you need him, he can never feel the loss of you.

The best strategy for you to get your ex back is to stop
contacting him and go on with your life. Let time take its
course. If you give him the time and space to see that he still
loves you and wants you in his life, it will not be long before
he will be contacting you. When he does, be courteous and
cheerful. Stay away from any mention of the breakup and act as
if it had never happened.

If you want to make the love of your life want to be with you
again, do not appear too anxious. Think of this as a new
relationship and go about it in the same manner as you did
before. Be the happy independent woman you were when he first
met you. Be a little hard to get, but do not discourage him. You
know how you won him the first time and you can use the same
tactics to get your ex boyfriend back now.

About the Author: If this is the man for you, don't give up.
There are proven methods at http://www.loveinfozone3.com to make
him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your
relationship for good. What you should and shouldn't do can be
found at this Helpful Site http://www.loveinfozone3.com

Effective Tips to Make Him Fall Madly in Love With You Again - Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Fast By H.L. Archer

When you have lost the love of your life, nothing seems to
matter. The happy future you dreamed of has turned into
loneliness and despair. One day follows another and hope of
getting your ex boyfriend back is fading fast. That is where you
may be wrong. If you have been giving him the time and space he
asked for, every day is a day nearer to getting him back.

Most women think they have to push their ex and call him
constantly to get him back. If you have been staying away from
him, I congratulate you because that is just what you need to be
doing. That is one of the biggest tips to make him fall madly in
love with you again. When you ignore him and go on with your
life as if he does not exist, you are bound to get his attention
in a positive way. Chasing him will also get his attention, but
in a negative way.

When a breakup occurs, and you are the one left behind you
usually feel it is your job to make him see his mistake. Pushing
him may make him see his mistake but he will never admit it and
you will never get him back. You have to give him the space and
time to work it out on his own. The longer he is without you,
the more he will miss you and have second thoughts about the

To make him desperate to be with you again, he will have to
begin to miss you. Once that happens, he will start to wonder if
you still love him. Not hearing anything from you will make him
feel that you may have found someone else and you are lost to
him for good. Do these feeling sound familiar? They are the same
ones you have been having that makes you desperate to get him
back. They will soon make him realize he will not be happy until
he is back with you.

When your ex boyfriend first met you, he was attracted to you
because you seemed unavailable. When he approached you, you
played hard to get and that was a challenge to him. Then he did
what all men love to do and he started chasing you. By giving
him plenty of time and space, you now seem unavailable again and
he is attracted to you. His next move will be to approach you
again. This will probably be by sending an email and ask you how
you are doing. He will be testing the water to see how anxious
you are to have him back. If you do not answer, he will have to

When he calls, treat him like a friend and let him do most of
the talking. He will most likely ask you to meet him for coffee
or lunch. Play hard to get and tell him you will have to think
it over. By the time you call him back and accept his
invitation, your ex boyfriend will be ready to agree to anything
you suggest.

About the Author: If this is the man for you, don't give up.
There are proven methods at http://www.loveinfozone3.com to make
him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your
relationship for good. What you should and shouldn't do can be
found at this Helpful Site http://www.loveinfozone3.com

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to Get Ready to Buy a Home? By Juhlin Youlein

Buying a home is like hunting in the American west. Its takes a
great deal of experience combined with a great deal of knowledge
and planning. A hunter needs to research the particular animal
being hunted, understand the terrain, the habits, the process
and then the hunter needs to make a plan. If a hunter who has
never hunted in a particular region or the particular animal
jumps in their vehicle and takes off for the hunt without a
planning the odds of a successful hunt are minimized. The same
principles apply for a person in the market to purchase a home.
Buying a home takes a great amount of personal experience making
realtors with a high amount of experience extremely valuable or
even an individual who is buying more than just their first home
will be in a greater boat than a first time buyer. Even with a
realtor, or personal experience, just like the hunter, a buyer
needs knowledge and more importantly, a plan.

Realtors, layers, mortgage brokers, inspectors, sellers, etc.
all play a role in buying a home, and they will often times be
demanding and will want answers to their questions, having a
plan prepares a first time buyer or repeated buyer to answer the
demanding questions. A plan could do well to include answers to
questions like does the buyer want to be in a well established
neighborhood that has been around a while or do they want to be
in a new house in a new subdivision. Or questions like: is the
home due to a lifestyle change, or is the home more of a choice
and not a last resort spontaneous purchase. Many more questions
could be presented in helping develop a plan by an experienced

If a hunter jumps in their truck and takes off to the hunting
site without first earning the money to fund the trip, the
hunter will fail. Just like a hunter must have money for gas,
ammunition, food, and a butcher, a home buyer must have the
money saved up for the down payment. Traditionally, a lender
wanted the buyer to put down as much as twenty percent of the
homes value on the loan to ensure the home buyer would not walk
away from the mortgage. Twenty percent is a lot of money for a
young home buyer or any person who has not had ample time to
prepare or save for a home. In the last decade many mortgages
have become friendlier with may appearing as low as five percent
down or even zero down. A word of caution, the lower the down
payment, the higher the interest will be on the home as a
compensation fort the risk.

After the hunter finishes the successful hunt and brings home a
trophy Elk in Colorado he now comes home and discovers that the
original costs of the hunt were just half the battle, now the
hunter must pay the taxidermist a large sum of money to stuff
the animal. The home buyer saves the money for a down payment
and then discovers the closing costs. Closing costs are all the
fees associated with closing on the loan. These costs could be
anywhere between three and eight percent of the entire cost of
the home. The closing costs must also be saved up for.

About the Author: This context about real estate is brought to
you by
http://ourbestrealestate.com/Gilbert_Real_Estate/city.html which
is a page dedicated to Gilbert AZ homes for sale.

Interior Home Design - Sell Your House With Home Staging By H John Johnsen

Home staging is the proven way to sell your house quicker and
at a better price...even in today's poor market. Home staging
makes your house more competitive by presenting the house as
"ready-to-move-in" to prospective buyer's. And; home staging can
be a way to get more organized and de-cluttered. This applies to
both inside and out of the home.

Staging can be simple or more work and could require the help
of a professional home stager. But; in some cases you can do it
yourself if it is a simple project.

The first step is to look around each room. Bring a note pad
with you if you are serious about doing this. Make notes about
any problem items; such as broken doors, light switches. Yes;
the ‘honey do’ type list, but it gets much more detailed as you

Now look inside the closets. Yes; buyers look in closets to see
if there is enough room. Mark in your pad whether the closet is
neat or packed and needs some thinning out.

Bathroom is the next stop. Any broken tiles, dripping faucets,
etc? Also is there any areas that need to really be cleaned?
Look at this as though you were buying.

The kitchen is an important area. Is it cluttered with items
all over the counters? Are the cabinets messy and over flowing?
Clear out the items you don’t use on a regular basis. Store them
where you can get to them; but not clutter a cabinet in doing

Look around the living and dining rooms. Clean up as much
clutter and items you don’t use daily. Clean out he display case
of any items that are not “display casable”.

The garage is another place that gets cluttered very quickly.
If you get a hold on it before it gets too cluttered you will be
ahead of the game. If you are beyond that you may want to do a
little at a time to make it easier on yourself. A cluttered
garage can create an issue for buyers. You want to have the
garage clear so they can determine what vehicle(s) will fit and
how much room they have for their belongings.

Curb appeal is just as it sounds. An appeal of your house from
the curb view. What do you see when you look at your house from
the curb? Peeling pain, a broken mailbox, dead plants, etc? You
will be surprised at how different the house will look once you
make the effort to clean up the yard. Take a drive past your
house and see what needs to be changed or repaired. And; don't
forget the back yard. This is a particular area where buyer's
like to see how they will use it - especially if they have
children. So this area needs a special cleaning.

Staging is just making your home more presentable to yourself
and/or prospective buyers. To make it easier on yourself; just
make a list of the items that need to be fixed, repaired or
cleaned and do it a little at a time.

Ask yourself this question: Would you buy a house that needed a
lot of work; unless you were a handyman?

About the Author: H. John Johnsen is a Designer and Writer for
Home Design http://Sense.com and other web sites. You can find
more information on Interior Home Design at the website.
http://www.homedesignsense.com or email to

How To Make Your Tract Home Stand Out In The Crowd: Home Staging By Jeanette Joy Fisher

Home sellers who wish to market their property in development
neighborhoods face tough challenges. All the houses look
similar. All the houses sell for amounts in the same price
range. The market -- whether it’s a hot sellers’ market or a
cool buyers’ market -- largely determines the price, purchase
terms, and length of time to sell.

How do you make your home stand out from the crowd? How can you
turn your property into a "hot" sale, even if the market’s
lukewarm? Remember the "Three M’s" and apply these Design
Psychology strategies as you stage your home for sale:

1. Magnetism. Because most buyers won't even get out of their
car unless a home shows promise, create an exciting exterior
that draws prospective buyers to your home. Place an interesting
focal point in your front yard, such as a water fountain, a
large urn, or a beautiful tree. Enhance your walkway with
enticing plants or light fixtures that clearly mark the path to
the front door. Use color psychology to either paint your front
door or its framework a happy, inviting color, such as Sherwin
William's Torchlight (golden wheat) or Rose Tan.

2. Mystery. Most home searchers only spend three to four
minutes looking at the average home. Enchant with mystery as
soon as the prospects enter your home. Make the buyer take a
second look by using Design Psychology lighting tricks. Place a
palm tree so that it partially blocks the view of the hallway.
Uplight the palm tree with a canister light that casts
captivating shadows on the walls and ceiling.

3. Memory. Home shoppers look at many houses in a row. Your
goal is to get the buyers to remember your home above all
others. Design psychology can help you do this. Think about your
buyers’ dream: they want a lifestyle --not just a house. Make
your buyers believe that if they choose your home, they will
have the privilege and right to take a nap in that "fantastic
garden hammock," read a great book in your private reading nook,
or cook a delicious meal in your gourmet kitchen.

Turn heads with your enticing home. Turn viewers into buyers.
Turn your typical tract house into a buyers’ dream home using
home staging methods that create a lifestyle delight.

Copyright (c) 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher All rights reserved.

About the Author: Jeanette Fisher, author of Joy to the Home
Journal, Sell Your Home for Top Dollar--FAST, and Home Staging
for Top-Dollar Sales, teaches design psychology college courses
and professional real estate investing seminars. For home
selling tips see http://www.sellfast.info For home staging
strategies see http://www.homestaging.us

Monday, July 26, 2010

Microsoft Money Investment Recordkeeping Tricks By Stephen Nelson

Microsoft Money provides powerful investment record-keeping
tools for individual investors. Unfortunately, once you step
beyond investments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, the
mechanics can get a little tricky. Here are some tips for
handling common investments in Money.

Certificate of deposits

If you purchase a certificate of deposit, you can treat it in
the same way that you treat a bond purchase. Basically,
certificates of deposits, or CDs, are just bonds issued by banks
or financial institutions often for a shorter period of time.
For example, you can think of a two-year CD as equivalent to a
two-year bond.

Zero coupon bonds

If you invest in bonds, you may know that some bonds don’t
actually pay periodic interest. Instead, these bonds, called
zero coupon bonds, pay their interest when the bond matures. For
zero coupon bonds, you need to annually accrue the interest on
the bonds. The annual interest needs to be accrued because, by
convention, you report the annual increase in the zero coupon
bond’s value as interest earned.

To record accrued interest on a zero coupon bond, record bond
interest that accrues in the normal way. In other words,
whatever amount shows as being accrued—this should appear on the
statement from your broker—record it as bond interest income.

After you record the bond interest that’s accrued, you need to
record a return of capital transaction that adds this accrued
interest back to the value of the bond. The amount of this
capital transaction, obviously, needs to equal the accrued
interest amount. But there is a twist here: You need to specify
the return of capital amount as a negative value. For example,
if you accrue $100 of interest on a zero coupon bond, you also
need to record a return of capital transaction for the bond
equal to –$100.

By recording the return of capital transaction, you in effect
transfer the bond interest money from the associated cash
account and add it back to the zero coupon bond’s value. In this
way the associated cash account shows the correct cash balance
and the zero-coupon bond shows the correct cost basis. The zero
coupon bond’s cash basis equals the original purchase price plus
all the accrued interest that’s been recorded to date.


Derivatives are securities that derive their value from some
underlying security. For example, an option to sell a stock,
called a put, is a derivative. It derives its value from the
underlying security. Another derivative is an option to buy a
stock, called a call. You can use Money to keep records of
derivatives, such as puts and calls you buy. In general,
derivative record-keeping is quite straightforward. If you buy a
derivative, say a put or a call, and later sell the derivative,
you simply have a normal investment transaction. You treat the
purchase and later the sale in the same way that you treat the
purchase and sale of any stock. If you make money, you realize a
gain. If you lose money, you realize a loss.

If you buy or sell a put or call and hold the option until it
expires, things work almost the same way. However, in this
special case, you do need to record a Final Sale transaction,
and the sales price is zero. Obviously, if you hold a put or
call until it expires, you don’t actually sell the derivative.
But you need to record a sale transaction to reflect the fact
that the option is no longer worth anything.

These are the basic techniques you need to know for put and
call record keeping—and record keeping for similar
derivatives—but there are two special circumstances in which
more complicated record keeping is required.

Selling Puts and Calls

If you sell puts and calls—note that the earlier discussion
involves you in investing puts and calls—you need to record the
option as a regular buy or sell transaction. In other words, if
you sell a put and the person to whom you sell it exercises the
put, you record this transaction as a regular sales transaction.
Similarly, if you sell a call, you record the transaction as a
regular buy transaction.

NOTE If you sell a put or call option and the option never gets
exercised, you record the amount of money the buyer pays you as
Other Income.

Exercising Puts and Calls

Typically, individual investors don’t actually exercise puts
and calls that they buy. Instead, they simply sell the option
back to the broker. However, you might end up exercising a put
or call, and in this case, you need to perform special record

To record the exercise of a put option, record the sale of the
put option at a price equal to zero. This zero-value sale is how
you record the expiration of the option. After you have recorded
the expiration of the option, you record the sale of the stock
in the same way that you record the sale of any stock. (Remember
that a put is an option to sell stock.)

To record the exercise of a call option, record the sale of the
call option at a price equal to zero. This zero-value price lets
you record the expiration of the option. After you have recorded
the expiration, you record a regular buy transaction. (Remember
that a call option is an option to buy a security.)

Precious metals and commodities

You can treat investments in gold and other precious metals,
gold coins, agricultural items, and other commodities in the
same way that you treat shares of stock. Rather than entering a
share price, you enter a price per ounce or a price per bushel.
And rather than recording a specific number of shares, you enter
a specific number of whatever unit of measure is used to
describe the commodity. In the case of gold, for example, you
might enter the number of ounces. In the case of an agricultural
item, you might enter the number of bushels.

You can treat options to buy or sell commodities in the same
way that you treat options to buy or sell securities. The
earlier discussion on handling call and put options discusses
the techniques you use for this record keeping.

About the Author: Seattle tax CPA & author Stephen L. Nelson
wrote Quicken for Dummies and more than 100 other books as well.
Nelson holds an MBA in Finance and an MS in taxation. His web
site is http://www.stephenlnelson.com

Make Money With Blogging in Three Legitimate Tricks By Sushil Kumarr

Believe it or not, but it's actually possible to make money
from blogging. One teenager has, in fact, earned $5,000 a month
just from making posts on his blog! Of course, not every blogger
is this lucky. It does take some skill, and some luck to make
money from blogging.

What it also takes is some knowledge of how exactly to generate
income just by posting blogs. We will go over three specific
methods of making money on your blog: Adsense, Pay Per Lead, and
Affiliate Links. So how exactly do I make money on my blog? You
do it by working with another company that wants to use your
blog as a form of advertising. It sounds like selling out,right?
Not exactly. The advertising can be as in your face or subtle as
you want. And it can still make you money, provided you have
enough visitors to your blog. What is Adsense? Adsense is a
program offered by Google.

The program, if installed, will display ads provided by Google.
How do I get Adsense? First. At the bottom of the screen is a
link for Advertising Programs. Click on that. Then click on the
link for Adsense. Scroll down on the page that comes up and
click Here To Apply! You then fill out the form with information
about yourself. After 12-48 hours, Google will notify you via
email whether or not your site has been accepted. When you've
been accepted, set up your ads by doing either of the following:
If you can set up your AdSense ads by going to your profile,
selecting settings,template,add an element. Then select AdSense
and login with your account info.

Next, you'll configure your ads and save the template. That's
it. If you are self-hosting your blog, you'll have to set up
AdSense in more of a manual way. You'll create your ads(which
can be as small or as tall as you want) and then copy the
HTML/Javascript code Google gives you. Then you'll paste it into
your blog(on the left, right, or top of the screen). For the
first few days, the ads displayed by Google will be Public
Service Announcements. After the ads have been up a few days,
though, the ads will switch to ads that are relevant to your

How does Adsense work? Every time a visitor clicks an Adsense
ad, you get a little bit of money(usually around 30-60 cents).
The amount you get for each ad clicked depends on the number of
unique visitors you receive on your blog. The more visitors, the
more money that can be earned. Google will then send a check or
pay you through Paypal once you've made at least $100 from the
ads. It is important to remember that Google will penalize you
if you click your own ads, or if you ask visitors specifically
to click ads. So don't do that! Pay Per Click Pay Per Click is
basically just like AdSense, except you don't just work with
Google you work with multiple companies.

BidVertiser is one such company you can sign up with to do Pay
Per Click advertising. How do I get Pay Per Click You sign up
with a site like Bidvertiser and then follow their instructions
to set up the Pay Per Click ads on your site. How does Pay Per
Click work? It works by paying you money each time someone
clicks an ad that you display. You won't get paid for multiple
clicks from the same user in the same visitor, nor will you get
paid for someone simply visiting your site. You only get paid
for legitimate clicks. Affiliate Links Affiliate links are
basically links which people pay you for. Companies will
actually pay owners of popular blogs to post links on their
blog. You can do as much Affiliate linking as you want. How do I
get Affiliate Links? You can get Affiliate links by searching or
Affiliate Link Programs on the internet.

Once you find an Affiliate link program that looks good to you,
sign up for it. Then you can follow their instructions for
putting the link(s) on your blog. How do Affiliate Links work?
Like the other two methods mentioned above, Affiliate links work
by paying you money each time they are clicked. You get paid for
each click per unique visitor. So now you have it, three
legitimate ways to make money from blogging.

It is important to keep in mind that the amount of money you
are able to make depends on how many visitors your blog draws.
If you draw a lot, you'll make a lot. If not, the money you earn
will be modest. But it's still extra money, so keep doing it!
Making money using Adsense, Pay Per Click or Affiliate Link
programs is easy and effective. Start monetizing your blog

About the Author: http://www.adsense-dollar-factory.com

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Making the Video: Internet Marketing's Inexpensive Money-Making New Frontier By Patrick Daugherty

Every business owner desires their monetary expense for
advertising to accomplish several things for them. We want it to
provide enough information to draw traffic to our site, increase
interest in our business, give us credibility and ultimately
create a momentous “buzz” about what we’re marketing. In the
past year there has been a strong response by potential
consumers to video marketing which in-effect accomplishes all of
those objectives and more.

By doing a brief or “quick hit” well planned video, you are
able to establish instant credibility because the prospect can
easily relate to you. It puts a face and even better, a
personality they can trust. This is something that text and
article advertising labors to do but can be easily accomplished
within seconds through a video. Videos are easy to load on the
internet, easy to distribute and search engines love them. It’s
also been found that you can more easily rise to the front page
of a keyword search through video advertising. Unlike text or
written advertising, you are able to gain the reputation as an
expert or trusted adviser on a video that can be seen at any
time over and over again. It’s the marketing gift that keeps on
giving and here’s the biggest payoff - its absolutely free! The
question that naturally begs to be answered is how does one
create a video that will effectively accomplish those objectives
when I’ve never done it before. Well having been asked that
question by home-business entrepreneurs on a multitude of
occasions, let me tell you what I tell them; it’s easier than
you think.

The first task is deciding what material to use. If you’re not
comfortable with long productions don’t worry about it. This can
be just as effective if created as a quick commercial or
“teaser” to get them to go to your site and boost your
credibility. One of the easiest things to do is to write down
the top 10 questions that people ask you about your business and
make a video answering each one. Another great idea is to do a
quick commercial that introduces a product or even better, that
references an article that you wrote on your website or blog. At
that point you merely have to state the question or problem that
you are proposing to solve and hit the top two or three points
in your written piece. Close by letting them know that if they
want to read about the topic in greater detail, they should go
to your website. It’s a great credibility booster not to mention
a traffic booster to your site.

The second task is planning where the video will be shot. I
can’t tell you how many videos I’ve seen done by someone who
wants you to believe that they can show you how to make money,
with a bedspread as a backdrop. If the background is not
congruent with the image you are trying to project then find one
that does. Don’t promote financial freedom in a video when
anyone can clearly see that you live in a shanty. The great
thing about video is that its all about perception and you truly
only need one wall if you’re inside so just make it the best
looking one. Another great idea is being outside in a beautiful
setting. This is ideal only if you can obtain acceptable
conditions. Make sure it’s not windy, that there’s no dog
barking in the background as a distraction or a mother scolding
her child behind you while you’re trying to communicate
something you feel strongly about (yes I’ve seen them all done
on a video). You want nothing to distract the listener from
focusing on you and soaking up the message you’re
enthusiastically attempting to convey.

Always bear in mind that your first video will be your worst
and no one has to see it which is the great thing about video.
When you’re on the phone trying to connect with a prospect or
customer and you give a bad performance you cant take it back.
You cant go back and make another first impression and there are
no re-do’s in real life…but there are re-takes in video. If you
make a claim that you can shoot an NBA 3-pointer with ease. You
only have to make a video where you hit the shot once and say
“see I told ya” as you walk away, even if it took you 20 takes
which were later deleted. No one knows nor do they care because
seeing is believing and perception is everything and nothing
allows you to control both of those variables better. You can
immediately load your finished product onto You-Tube and post it
everywhere. There are also companies that will actually create a
distribution list, take your video and plaster it on 40 or 50
video sites for maximum exposure. I found the cost range to be
between $100-$150 and you can use their services for the entire
month. Some even have free trials to prove their effectiveness,
which is always ideal in my book.

But what about dominating a keyword search? Well that’s easier
than you think because Google loves promoting videos, especially
if they match a search word or phrase. If you think of a topic
or phrase that you would like your video to appear in, have the
video material pertain to it, title your video as such and as it
begins to be seen and played you will move up the rankings.
Also, make sure you mention the phrase a few times in your video
because you’ll get extra credit. How you ask? Well Google has a
new program in its algorithm that actually translates your video
and plugs the key works into its formula so that it factors into
your score. That’s pretty cool because not many people know
about it because it’s only been recently that they implemented
it. So use that for your advantage to keep your video, title and
even the article in line with a nice congruent marketing flow to
maximize your ranking.

The bottom line is that if you get over a fear of doing
something you’ve never done before and make a short video then
you’ve already set yourself apart from most other entrepreneurs
out there. If you control the background, the topic and the
keyword marketing flow you seriously cant go wrong. I’m not
kidding when I tell you that millionaires have been created by
effectively using this method of advertising alone. It’s very
effective and most business owners are costing themselves money
if they don’t take advantage of this inexpensive and powerful
marketing tool.

Good luck and happy video marketing!

About the Author: Patrick Daugherty has a passion for coaching
business executives and entrepreneurs to reach their personal
and professional goals. To learn more about Patrick visit his
blog: http://www.squidoo.com/patrickdaugherty And full profile
at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickdaugherty

Little Tricks To Making Money With Your Home Computer Business Idea By K. Faram

There are a few little tricks to making money with any work at
home computer-based business, but the number one so-called
secret is in how you actually market your web site. The first
crucial thing you need to do is to advertise your site so that
people know that you even exist. How you advertise, however, is
one of the tricks.

If you are running a computer-based business you have already
determined that your potential customers are also online.
Regardless of the quality of your product or service, if people
do not know you are present on the internet, you will eventually
become just another casualty of the online community.

Affiliate marketing programs offer one of the best methods of
advertising for fledgling computer based businesses where the
cost of your advertising is deferred until a customer buys
something from you. Through affiliate marketing you provide
promotional tools such as graphics and text embedded with links
for other website owners to post on their site. When one of
their visitors sees your advertisement, clicks on the link and
buys something from you, that website owner is paid a sales

The more external websites that carry a link to your site, the
more essentially free advertising you will receive for your
affiliate marketing program. You can also carry affiliate
advertising on your site for related internet businesses and
earn a commission on sales from their sites. Some affiliate
marketing companies give you the option of automatically
approving others to post links to your site on theirs while
others give you the option of approving a site before your link
is posted. Just as you can be particular about which companies
you link to, you can also be particular about which sites link
to you.

There are also numerous opportunities to network with companies
as an affiliate and if you are signed up as a member of their
site, your income potential can increase dramatically. For
example an online retail site may pay you a five percent
commission on sales if you are a free member, but the first
level of paid membership has that commission jump to 10 percent.
Some companies may offer premium memberships and the commission
will go as high as 30 percent or more, or there will the
opportunity to earn on several referral levels.

There are also services which will pay you for taking surveys
online, and while the per survey earnings may not be high, they
generally take little time and you get to give an honest opinion
on a variety of topics. Surveys typically pay between $2 and $10
each and take from five to 20 minutes to complete. Making money
on the internet filling out surveys will of course depend on how
much actual spare time you are willing to put into it. But this
extra money could then be used on advertising your home

However, having a decent, updated computer and a fast internet
connection will be necessary, regardless of any programs you may
join, if you plan on making money on the internet and taking
your computer based home business seriously.

About the Author: Kerenza Faram is the author of several
informative articles on internet marketing. For more information
on Home Computer Business Ideas, visit

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Free Making Money Ebooks Can Mint Money For You - Here Is The Secret By James Chambers

There are millions of people like you out there, who are
desperately seeking a suitable way to earn a decent living
through the Internet. Every day there are success stories as
there are failures. Why can not everybody succeed? Why are there
failures? Is this because some people have better business sense
than others; are more qualified, more determined, more
committed? The answer is because they are looking at it from the
wrong angle.

The Secret Revealed

Do not look for free making money ebooks to read. Use free
making money ebooks to make money yourself. Puzzled? The secret
to earning a healthy and continuous residual income is not
through downloading hundreds of ebooks which tell you secret to
amassing millions; rather it is in writing ebooks through which
you generate an unending flow of traffic to your website. How?

Take a long look at your website and choose a topic that would
attract the interest of people who could become your prospective
customers. Say, if you have a website on psychic readings and
mystic divination writing a book on "Zodiac sign - A Personal
Sketch Of Yourself" or year. Would get people visiting your
website. Once they do, you would be able to convert some percent
to becoming your customers.

What if you do not have a website or a product? Would it be
possible to still use the free making money ebooks to build a
good residual income? The answer is, yes. This is even easier
that the previous method. Just as you are looking for free help,
there are millions of others who do so too. Therefore, the
market is excellent. In order to tap into its resources and
generate income you would need to use the most popular marketing
gimmick in the book. Entice your customer by offering a
high-quality free gift with no strings attached.

Write an excellent ebook on whatever topic you are an expert
at. The information should be worth its weight in gold and offer
this for free to anyone who is interested in it. Have tied up
this free ebook another ebook which you mention plenty of times
in the free book, which has a price tag. In seven cases out of
ten, people who get the free making money ebooks buy the one
recommended in it because they are completely won over by the
quality of the gift.

In this way you get the best returns from your marketing and
advertising because people will always be attracted to anything
offered free and thereby you can get excellent customers
literally landing into your lap. This is indeed the result of
better business sense, because in this case you have no website
to maintain (or worry about), no other expenses; only an
excellent free ebook which hypnotizes people into buying your

You could write a few high quality ebooks in this way and earn
an excellent residual income for as long as you want.

About the Author: James Chambers Helping People To first
Visualize Then Act on It. To find the best home based business
ideas and opportunities so you can work at home. Please visit:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Money-Maker Attitude For Putting Money In The Bank Author: Dianne M. Buxton

Whether you are struggling to get ahead, or are as wealthy as
Oprah, you probably have some unmet goals that somehow elude

Do you shudder and suppress fear when you think of your
retirement income - that is, if you can consider retiring? After
all, retiring is about income, not age. And the whole social
security issue is pretty scary....

What exactly is that money-maker attitude that will put the
money you need in the bank? How are you really feeling when you
focus on what you want?

You may have seen the movie "The Secret" and learned about the
law of attraction. It's very exciting. But where do you start
applying "think positive and get the results"? What are all the
related beliefs and patterns involved in that?

Brad Yates states in "Money Beyond Belief" that:

"Money is simply the visible manifestation of your internal
beliefs about wealth and abundance. They're all part of the same
"unified field," or system".

He explains how a tapping technique can be used to heal your
negative emotional patterns with 9 simple taps, on spots on your
body that are essentially, energy gateways. Brad's premise is
that the lack of money in your life is simply a distortion in
your energy field--that you can heal within minutes.

He believes you can release inner-conflicts around money and
expects that you will feel an amazing, pleasurable surge of
energy each time you do the technique.

Accordingly, you can attract countless money-making
opportunities into your life and you won't be able to stop
opportunities from coming in.

You will be able to tune your subconscious mind into a
perpetual "wealth frequency" (which is always on and working!)

This process will then transform your relationship to money (so
you're not stressed out about where the next paycheck is coming
from). You would have a different default state of mind, a
better resting place for when you are not deliberately focusing
on what you want.

I've written quite a lot about "what you say (think, vibrate
with) is what you get". This is a good way to leave behind the
specific words and phrases (reflecting your true beliefs) that
have been keeping you from being successful.

This tapping technique is a "do-it-yourself" healing system
that you can practice anytime. Literally.

I've got some more about it on my blogs and I recommend it for
changing the long and winding road to a shorter and happier
Source: http://www.isnare.com

How to Stop Worrying and Moving On? Author: Irsan Kao

We often worry about the things that we don't need to worry
about. And most of the time, these things never really happen so
our time is only wasted. That's why we should never spend our
time worrying especially when it isn't really necessary.
Worrying only causes us to expend our thoughts and energy on
something unnecessary instead of focusing it to something more
productive. Worrying only leaves us tired and exhausted for no
reason because we focus our attention on the wrong things. The
time we spend worrying is simply a wasted effort for nothing and
we should as much as possible, avoid it.

If we worry, we tend to focus way too much on the problem and
not in finding the proper solution to solve the problem. This
will also lead to negative thoughts and reactions because all we
can think about is the problem. Instead of being able to find
out a way to work it out of the problem, our minds shut down
because of too much worry that we have in it. Worrying will only
cause out minds to not function properly.

When we worry too much, we tend to view life with fear. This
will affect our emotions and how we handle things. The way we
view things will become unhealthy and we become very negative
when it comes to our attitude. When our emotions are not good,
this could also affect out physical well being thus we become
more prone to sickness and diseases. Our unhealthy emotions will
also bring us too much fatigue that our body will not be able to
handle. We should therefore be proactive to avoid time worrying.
If we take the right precautions, we can avoid the feelings of
helplessness that something bad is about to happen.

When we worry too much, there is a tendency for us to become
very self absorbed to the point of neglecting the people who are
most important to us. This can be very detrimental to the
relationships that we have with the people around us and can
create very big problems. This is why we should always resist
the temptation to worry and focus our attention instead on the
positive aspects of the relationships we have.

To get over your worries, adopt a planned approach. Meaning,
make an effective plan to handle every situation that may come
your way. We may often be ready to face any given situation but
we still need to remain positive about it. When we do not have a
plan on how we approach things, we are most likely drawn into
worrying too much about it. You need to have a plan on how you
are going to face any situation that is thrown your way. Another
important thing that you should never forget is to create a plan
B. It's always safe to create an alternative plan just in case
the original plan you have doesn't work. Most of the time,
people don't make any plan B so when their primary plan doesn't
work, they are left to worry more. That is why it's always
better to have alternatives with you for emergency purposes.
Source: http://www.isnare.com